Updates, changes and new products for an even better shopping experience

Updates, changes and new products for an even better shopping experience

If you are a regular you may have noticed a few changes. Change is good and these are definitely for the better! A better shopping experience and a better sharing experience.


You can now add reviews to the site. I get so many thank yous that I had to add the reviews. Now I hope you can give your favorite products 5 stars and let the world know where you got your exclusive items from. I am really looking forward to your first reviews!

Recommended products

Besides the thank you emails, many of you also ask for items like that one dress. So, to make it easier for you, you don't have to search anymore, the recommended products will show up underneath the item you are looking at.

Closeout Sales

You will love this! Yes we have our first closeout sale! Cute designer clutches that are now 70% off and under $5. Same for the Strictly Roots Shampoo and Deep Conditioner. The company is relabeling so this offers the chance for you to try out these products now.

New products!

We've been busy! All the way from Belize, Masani added their one of a kind wearable art items to the WhatNaturalsLove.com store. Exclusively and handmade by Masani herself with beautiful natural elements. You can check them out at Masani Live!

Herbal Oils

We know you love herbal oils that you can use for hair and skin. So we are working to create the largest collection of oils organically enriched by nature. If your hair or skin needs a boost, check out the Herbal Oils Section.

L'Atelier Raif

I am not suppose to tell you yet, as these items are not only exclusively made, they are also very limited in stock. Still it's hard to not be super enthusiastic when a designer like Raif joins you.

Those familiar with his designs know what I am talking about. Since pictures speak louder than words, I will say no more, just go see for yourself. Just remember, first come, first served: Visit L'Atelier Raif.


Mireille Liong

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